
Sleep Update 2018 Organised by Dr.Manvir Bhatia and Dr.Preeti Devnani on 22nd April at IIT New Delhi
Sleep Update 2018 was conducted on 22nd April 2018 by Dr.Manvir Bhatia and Dr.Preeti Devnani at IIT New Delhi with a theme “Current Guideline & Quality of care in Sleep Medicine”. There were 70 delegates who attended this conference. The Conference was divided into 4 Symposia. Symposia-1 Highlighted the treatment, investigate modalities used for OSA….

Don’t Compromise on your #Sleep as its an Essential Need for Healthy Body
Due to our busy schedule we all are ignoring the most important need of our body that is #SLEEP– On this #WorldSleepDay lets make sure that our body gets enough sleep to remain #Active,#Healthy Share List

Forensics in #SleepMedicine, comments by #DrManvirBhatia
Forensics in #SleepMedicine, comments by #DrManvirBhatia Please click at link below to read the full article. http://www.issr.in/downloads/sleep_forensics_issue2.pdf For more information please visit our website-www.neurologysleepcentre.com For query please e-mail at-info@neurologysleepcentre.com Share List

#SleepCourse conducted in Ahmedabad at Zydus Hospital on 16-17th December 2017 by #DrManvirBhatia
#SleepCourse conducted in Ahmedabad at Zydus Hospital on 16-17th December 2017 by #DrManvirBhatia and #DrPreetiDevnani. Sleep Teaching course including #lectures & #InteractiveSession where delegates worked in groups on cases etc. Devices for recording #Sleep & #PAPTherapy were demonstrated to the delegates. Pre&Post Questionnaire filled by the delegates showed a marked improvement. For more information please visit our website-www.neurologysleepcentre.com Or E-mail us at- info@neurologysleepcentre.com Share List

When to get a #SleepStudy Repeated?
In this infographic we have tried to answer the frequent question which always come in patient mind that how often we should get sleep study repeated if we have already undergone in the past. So the answer is there is no such set procedure as sleep study to be repeated only after 3 weeks or…

Yes, the patients should be on regular follow up with their treating physicians. The reasons for this are explained below: OSA is also a chronic disease such as Diabetes, asthma, hypertension, heart disease, etc. A regular follow up is necessary for: Continuous evaluation of patients with OSA is important to detect any medical…

For Better #Health of a Child Make sure the child gets sufficient amount of #Sleep. Wish Every Child #HappyChildrensDay
It’s tough for any parent to discover that their child may have a sleep disorder. After all, no mother wants to see her kid all of the time, and no father wants to watch his child struggle with with falling asleep However, recent studies estimate that nearly 30% of children may have a sleep disorder at some…

Sleep Study Test Cost
WHY SLEEP STUDY IS SO EXPENSIVE? Yes the sleep study is little expensive, but let me discuss few reasons as to why the cost is more. A sleep study is a non-invasive, overnight test that allows sleep technicians to monitor sleep to see what’s happening in your brain and body.It is the “gold standard” of…