#ChaiChat Session on occassion for #InternationalWomensDay and #WorldSleepDay
On occassion of #InternationalWomensDay and #WorldSleepDay #DrManvirBhatia with #NeurologySleepCentre Organised a #ChaiChat Session for our All Women Group at #JaypeeVasantContinental #VasantVihar Focus was Importance of #SelfCare as Women gernerally negelect themselves to take care of others. In this session #Ten Commandments of #LouieHae were highlighted. We encouraged to focus on having #Hobbies Take care of #Sleep #LoveYourself #BeHappy#WeightManagement Tips were also given by #VLCCTeam. #SheEqualsHe Conclusion -Our Aim is to do these meetings frequently so that we can provide support to…