
#WorldSleepDay Organised by #DrManvirBhatia on 16th March 2019 at Hyatt Hotel New Delhi
On the occasion of World Sleep Day, Dr.Manvir Bhatia with Neurology & Sleep Centre,did two things firtly she did a chat show on radio 92.7 Big FM to discuss about sleep on the occasion of World Sleep Day.The no of hours of sleep required and influence of gadgets on sleep etc . Secondly She Organised…

Forensics in #SleepMedicine, comments by #DrManvirBhatia
Forensics in #SleepMedicine, comments by #DrManvirBhatia Please click at link below to read the full article. http://www.issr.in/downloads/sleep_forensics_issue2.pdf For more information please visit our website-www.neurologysleepcentre.com For query please e-mail at-info@neurologysleepcentre.com Share List