Measures to help you get a good sleep in metropolis cities  

Are these questions a regular mind bogglers:

 Do you find yourself dragging in the afternoon?
Do you have difficulty focusing to solve a problem?
Is it hard for you to get out of bed when the alarm goes off?
Are you experiencing more negative moods than usual?

These are all the possible signs  which shows that you aren’t getting enough sleep, and you aren’t alone in experiencing them. On average, every second person sleep an hour less at night than their bodies and brains need for peak performance. One of the sleep researcher at New York University gave us more scientifically-approved “#sleep tips” – which can you improve your sleep with enhancing your mood and alertness.


Here are some of them:


1.#Get workout few hours before going to bed  
Exercise is a great healthy habit to follow but exercising too close to bedtime can actually disturb your ability to fall asleep. Exercise raises body temperature and a cooler body temperature is more helpful to make you to fall asleep. Finishing your workout at least three hours before bedtime is the ideal.


2.Eat a Light #Dinner
Try not to eat a rich, heavy meal before bedtime that actually means that  your body is focused on digestion, not rest. Try to have more of your calories earlier part of the day, at breakfast or lunch, while you are in the active part of your day. The best dinner for sleep is vegetables and lean protein, consumed at least three hours before bedtime.


3.Say bye bye to all #Devices before going to bed
Checking your emails or Facebook right before bed can hurt your ability to fall asleep in three ways. First, studies show that looking at Facebook can cause us to compare our lives to those we see online, making us feel sad which is not the right mindset for slipping into deep sleep. Work emails can also trigger stress rather than helping it to wind down. Second, the artificial light from your electronic devices confuses your circadian rhythms Last but certainly not least, if you are at all addicted to web surfing, it’s easy to move from site to site and let time really get away from you of proper sleep.



4.Create a calm #Pre-Bed Ritual
Creating a pre-bed ritual or habit can help you to fall asleep. Taking a shower with a soothing lavender body soap, reading a chapter of a book, or doing a favorite yoga pose are great choices to keep you feel relaxed. Be consistent about your bedtime and your pre-bed routine and you are well on your way to a good night’s sleep.


5.Try to get into“#15-Minute” Experiment
Try to make your bedtime for few days just 15 minutes earlier and see how it affects you. This will improve your mood and alertness and will not leave you irritated when the morning alarm rings.


Other amenities to help improve your rest  include work-down reminder calls, white noise machines, sleep masks, earplugs and even a lullaby music library.


Practice some of these and let us know the results on our mail and visit our to have more info on this. Feel free to call on 8527119474.

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