Insomnia Symptoms And Treatment
Lack of sleep is a huge problem not just for elderly people but for the overworking new generations as well. Competitive stresses at school, college, university or job keep young people working or worrying at night resulting in lack of sleep. A lot of youngsters preparing for competitive #exams develop a tendency to sleep late or with an erratic schedule. Some of them even start compensating their night time lack of sleep with daytime sleep for 1-4 hrs. Another subset of these students have episodic poor sleep , especially around exams.
Recognizing the problem is the first part. Working on the solution is second. If you are having one of the above problems and going through this article, it means you have gone through the first one. What is especially required from you is your diligent focus upon the second part which is illustrated in the following points:
- Have a fixed waking up time. This will automatically fix your sleeping time over few days. Over time choose to go to bed
- Go to bed only when you are sleepy. One hour prior to your sleeping time , get away from your gadgets (laptop, mobile, t.v.) and spend time idly either reading non-curriculum books (autobiographies, etc) or listening to soft music
- Perform some exercise in the morning or evening , at least 4 hours before bedtime
- Daytime naps if required should be taken for not more than 30 minutes and that too before 4 pm
- If you think your sleep is getting too erratic and causing you difficulty in your daily activities, meet a sleep specialist soon to get things back on track.
#insomniainstudents ,
-Blog contributed by Dr Saurav Khatiwada for Neurology Sleep Centre-