
Insomnia Symptoms Treatment
Insomnia Symptoms And Treatment Lack of sleep is a huge problem not just for elderly people but for the overworking new generations as well. Competitive stresses at school, college, university or job keep young people working or worrying at night resulting in lack of sleep. A lot of youngsters preparing for competitive #exams develop a…

What are the causes of Obstructive Sleep Apnea?
I often have patients asking me why he/she has Obstructive Sleep Apnea(OSA), the disease where breathing stops intermittently (apnea) during sleep. Well, my answer to most of them is – its because of the weight you have gained. They are then advised to lose weight and it does help, besides the mainstay of therapy –…

Golden Self-help tips to overcome poor sleep – Part II
Welcome back to Part II of ‘ Golden Self-help tips to overcome poor sleep’ . This week we will talk about few other measures . A you might remember we talked of Sleep hygiene and Stimulus control measures last week. If you are reading this article for the first time , please note that we…

#Sleeping Pills -#Introduction,Types and Effects of long-term use
Lack of sleep is a common problem. According to data from US, over 1/3 of the population has some sleep disturbances while 10 % of total adults have frank insomnia at some point during their lifetimes. Any drug that is used for the purpose of inducing or maintaining sleep is a sleeping pill. Sleeping pill…

OSA detected and cured well
#OSA can significantly reduce a person’s #quality of life(#Physically,#Functionally,#Socially).Well explained by Dr.#Manvir Bhatia’s patient.However, treatment can successfully reduce and even resolve these problems. Share List

A #mask with #ultimate design and comfort for #CPAP users
A #mask with #ultimate design and comfort for #CPAP users- #Light weight,doesn’t interfere with reading,talking and give a #good night sleep.Only available at Dr. Manvir Bhatia’s Neurology and Sleep Centre,Delhi.Can write to us on info@neurologysleepcentre.com or call on 8527119474,46070321. Share List

Learn how to live with Sleep Apnoea
Join us on 20th March,2016 at #India Habitat Centre,Delhi.Registration free but must.#Contact -8527119474, 011-46070321 or email on info@neurologysleepcentre.com.For more info read more…… Share List

Newsletter showing relation between sleep and heart
#Sleep and Heart are very closely related.Getting good #sleep protects your #heart,controls #blood pressure,maintains #heart rhythm and preserves #lining of arteries.Read more in this article from #Dr.Manvir . Share List

Why, when,how and what is jet lag? How to avoid it?
Frequent travelers, it’s time to fight our worst enemy: jet lag. While there’s no easy way to completely beat jet lag, there are several steps you can take to ease the pain of crossing multiple time zones quickly. Essentially, jet lag is a series of symptoms that occur when our internal body clock is disrupted….

How many hours of #sleep do you need ?
Is cutting of your #sleep beneficial or harmful ? #Dr.Manvir Bhatia’s Interview on Audiomatic website. http://www.audiomatic.in/show/lifes-too-short-to-spend-it-asleep/ Share List

Worried about your #weight and #sleep?
Lets help you, to know more see below and can call on 8527119474. Share List

Can gadgets(smartphones,ipad,etc.) affect your sleep ?
Yes and How ? These gadgets emit blue light which interferes with release of melatonin(sleep inducing hormones).Read more-https://hbr.org/2015/08/research-shows-how-anxiety-and-technology-are-affecting-our-sleep?utm_campaign=Socialflow&utm_source=Socialflow&utm_medium=Tweet Share List

#Home Sleep Test(HST)-What,Why,Who and How?
Home sleep test is a portable sleep test , in the patient’s OWN HOME and BED. This records patient’s parameters like airflow, breathing , oxygen levels and body position. #HST is preferred as: • It is performed with far less wires. • It is cheaper than lab study. • Privacy of own room and…