
Ideal Time for Sleeping!

According to the recent research the Ideal time to sleep is between 10pm-11pm but it can vary from person to person. As during this time your body temperature and the level of cortisol, the stress hormone, starts to drop. As the day darkens, your brain will also start to produce melatonin, the hormone you need…

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Why Do Jerks Occur while #Sleeping

Jerk is an involuntary muscle spasm that occurs as a person is drifting off to sleep. The phenomenon is so named in reference to the hypnagogic state — the transitional period between wakefulness and sleep. Research suggesting that 60 to 70 percent of people experience them. Many individuals may be visited by nightly hypnic jerks without…

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Tension Headache Symptoms and Treatment

Tension headaches are dull pain, tightness, or pressure around your forehead or the back of your head and neck. Some people say it feels like a clamp squeezing the skull. Often called stress headaches, they’re the most common type for adults. When you get them less than 15 days per month, they’re called episodic tension headaches. If they happen…

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