Community Based Events
We conducted a Facebook Live Event in which Dr. Manvir Bhatia addressed the following questions on Sleep-How many hours of sleep are essential? How to treat nighttime nasal obstruction, mouth breathing and several interruptions of night sleep, and severe dryness of mouth at the end? How to get proper sleep at the night? There have a total of ------ views 14,307 Live link
Dr. Manvir Bhatia partnered with Re: Set @resetyoureveryday link for reference to create awareness about sleep, its importance, and sleep issues.
Dr. Manvir Bhatia discussed the Importance of Sleep in Parents Podcast with PopsinaPod
World Sleep Celebration by Dr.Manvir Bhatia on 5th March at IIC New Delhi
The World Sleep Day event celebration at the India International Centre was spearheaded by Dr. Manvir Bhatia, with support provided by the core team at the Neurology & Sleep Centre. An incredible outpouring of knowledge over a fluid 90 minutes from several wonderful speakers on a vast array of topics ranging from sleep, diet, health & wellness, and fitness, grateful for the opportunity to educate and empower, to enable one to facilitate an informed decision-making process concerning one’s health.
For our esteemed speakers and their respective prestigious organizations, and last but not least, for all the driven, motivated, and engaged persons who attended in full force to learn and further build understanding to further improve upon their overall health.

Untangle Sleep Apnoea with Dr.Manvir Bhatia and Team
We are hereby providing you the Live Footage of our Event-Untangle Sleep Apnoea with #DrManvirBhatia & #kavitadevgan took on 12th December 2020.
Our main agenda from this session is to make people understand about Sleep Apnoea and How to deal with Sleep Apnoea in Covid19 Pandemic? We invited a few of our patients who shared their experiences about using PAP Devices, how they react and get used to it, and how PAP Device has helped them.
We also shared weight management tips and made them do Pranayam and Ujaii for good sleep.
We are very grateful to Team Philips #PhilipsIndia Team #NeurologySleepCentre Our Patients for supporting and making this session a successful event.

Dr.Manvir Orgainised an All Women Group Meet on 29th February 2020
On occassion
#InternationalWomensDay and #WorldSleepDay #DrManvirBhatia with
#NeurologySleepCentre Organised a #ChaiChat Session for our All Women Group at
#JaypeeVasantContinental #VasantVihar
Focus was Importance of #SelfCare as Women gernerally negelect themselves to take care of others. In this session #Ten Commandments of #LouieHae were highlighted. We encouraged to focus on having #Hobbies Take care of #Sleep #LoveYourself #BeHappy #WeightManagement Tips were also given by #VLCCTeam. #SheEqualsHe
Conclusion -Our Aim is to do these meetings frequently so that we can provide support to each other.
Sleep & Wellness Camp organised by Dr.Manvir Bhatia on 24th Nov 2019 at New Friends Club, New Delhi

Session on Personality was organised at NSC on 30th August 2019 focus on this Session is to Improve Relations, Understand Personality.

#WorldSleepDay Celebrated by #DrManvirBhatia and #NeurologySleepCentre at #IIC New Delhi on 16 march. Event focused on #SleepApnea, #NewerDevelopments, #SleepSuportGroup, #StoriesbyPatient, #CardiacRhythm, #AttractivePrizes given to patient. Event was highly appreciated by everyone and motivated us to keep on doing these kind of events.

Sleep Update 2018 was conducted on 22nd April 2018 by Dr.Manvir Bhatia and Dr.Preeti Devnani at IIT New Delhi with a theme "Current Guideline & Quality of care in Sleep Medicine".
#SleepCourse conducted in Ahmedabad at Zydus Hospital on 16-17th December 2017 by #DrManvir Bhatia and #DrPreetiDevnani.
Chai and Chat Session on "Stress and De-stress" workshop by Dr.Manvir Bhatia and Dr.Sonakshi on 10th August 2017.
Chai and Chat Session on Weight Management by Dr.Charu Khanna organised by Dr.Manvir Bhatia
Relaxation Session
Organizing a sleep workshop on apicon 2015
Organizing a sleep workshop on “A-Z of sleep disorders: Case Based Learning”, on 21 February,2015(APICON,2015) in Gurgaon. For details:
Organizing Ace School of School Medicine 2015
22 March 2015
To enhance your career in field of Sleep Medicine. Ace School of Sleep Medicine
is announcing for 2 upcoming sleep medicine courses which will be in Pune and Amritsar. For details:
click here to download registration form;
World Sleep Day was Celeberated by Dr.Manvir Bhatia on 16th March 2019 at Hyatt Regency New Delhi.
On the occasion of World Sleep Day, Dr.Manvir Bhatia with Neurology & Sleep Centre, did two things first she did a chat show on radio 92.7 Big FM to discuss about sleep on the occasion of World Sleep Day.The no of hours of sleep required and influence of gadgets on sleep etc.
Secondly She Organised an event at Hyatt Regency New Delhi on 16th March 2019. The main purpose of this event was to create awareness about sleep related issues and help people understand the benefits of PAP Devices.This event provided the existing PAP users a platform to get their devices checked and avail facilities such as data downloading, introduces new masks, tubes etc. Discounts were given on devices (PAP), accessories and overnight sleep studies.
The event offered free consultation for sleep disorders, counselling about sleep studies, benefits of using PAP and trouble shooting with PAP issues. In addition a senior yoga teacher taught patients the breathing exercises such as pranayam, ujjai pranayam to improve pharyngeal muscles.
Fifty Two adults attended the event which include new patients, patients using CPAP and those diagnosed with Obstructive Sleep Disorder but not using PAP.
We also had a session where the people shared their experiences about impact of CPAP on their life, and treatment advised by Dr.Manvir Bhatia
The event was highly appreciated as received positive feedbacks from people and got the suggestions to organise such events every quarter. Overall the event got positive response and also appreciate the support provided by PHILIPS.
Sleep Update 2018 was conducted on 22nd April 2018 by Dr.Manvir Bhatia and Dr.Preeti Devnani at IIT New Delhi with a theme "Current Guideline & Quality of care in Sleep Medicine".
Summary of the event: Sleep Update 2018 was conducted on 22nd April 2018 by Dr.Manvir Bhatia and Dr.Preeti Devnani at IIT New Delhi with a theme "Current Guideline & Quality of care in Sleep Medicine".
There were 70 delegates who attended this conference. The Conference was divided into 4 Symposia.
Symposia-1 Highlighted the treatment, investigate modalities used for OSA. The talks were delivered by experts in ENT, Radiology and Neurology. Dr.Manvir Bhatia discussed the role of "Quality Care in management of OSA".
Symposia-2 Highlighted on Imsomnias to Hypersomnias and included topics on RLS and Sleep Medicine.
Symposia-3 focused on Sleep Medicine Practice. Dr Manvir Bhatia discussed on managing roles in Sleep Lab.
Symposia-4 focused on Confusing Conundrums in clinic which had interesting cases and covered topic like use of device to measure breathing etc.
This event was endorsed by ISDA and ISSR and Sponsored by PHILIPS, SUNPHARMA, INTAS, ABBOTT, RESMED.
The feedback from delegate was highly encouraging and requests were written to organize for more such events like this frequently.
#SleepCourse conducted in Ahmedabad at Zydus Hospital on 16-17th December 2017 by #DrManvirBhatia and #DrPreetiDevnani.
Sleep Teaching course including #lectures & #InteractiveSession where delegates worked in groups on cases etc. Devices for recording #Sleep & #PAPTherapy were demonstrated to the delegates. Pre&Post Questionnaire filled by the delegates showed a marked improvement.
Organizing Ace School of School Medicine 2015
22 March 2015
To enhance your career in field of Sleep Medicine.Ace School of Sleep Medicine is announcing for
2 upcoming sleep medicine courses which will be in Pune and Amritsar. For details:
Organizing a sleep workshop on apicon 2015
Organizing a sleep workshop on "A-Z of sleep disorders: Case Based Learning", on 21 February, 2015(APICON, 2015) in Gurgaon. For details: